Mind Maps

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Mind Maps

· Use a large piece of paper or poster board, start your work from the middle of the page so you can work out in all directions. · Try to use just keywords, or wherever possible, images and pictures. · Make the center of your paper a clear and strong visual image that depicts the general theme/Idea of the map. · Create sub-centers for sub-themes like the branches extending from the tree of ideas . · Put the keywords on lines, this will reinforce the structure of notes. · Print rather than write in the script. · Use different colors to depict themes and associations. · Think three-dimensionally when constructing your mind map. · Use up/down arrows, icons or other visual aids to show links between different elements.   If you dry up ideas in one area switch and go to another branch. ·Make sure to put ideas down as they occur, wherever they fit. · If you run out of space, connect more paper onto the map. · Be as creative as possible and always have fun.

Chris Seim Realtor (253)353-9158 Serving Gig Harbor, Port Orchard, Pierce county, and Kitsap county